Jutta Brandt-Stracke was born in the Ruhr area, the region that once was the eco-nomical centre of coalmines and steel production of Germany. Here she spent her childhood an her youth. In the 1975 she and her parents moved to the Rhine area. Today she still is living and working in Dusseldorf.While she went to school, she was lucky to meet Gerhard Wessel, a German ex-pressionistic artist. He became her first teacher.Her father was a coalminer and her family never really wealthy. So she did not have the opportunity to study arts. Instead she made a professional career at the public administration, where she worked from 1975 to 2005.But she never stopped painting, her private studies and permanent skill enhance-ment. Artists like Hannes Loos and Hedwig Rogge became her teachers. 2010 she joined the master class of Herb Schiffer, the price winner of the Dürener price of artists 2011.