Jesper Schytt, is without doubt a great "teacher " is the styling, and color. Matching very difficult, which makes it unique, so as to be the owner as the designer, undisputed, color. These valuable features that we find in his works give us indescribable emotions. Some take us back to childhood when our world was colorful and joyful colors that unfortunately in adult size and in everyday life seem very faded. So this is the primordial sea of color, very, difficult to understand and accept our Western mind, mainly tending to monochrome. The artist, however, with his mastery can involve us, drawing us into his world full of colors, no bother at all. Colors that give objects, animals and people an expression out of the ordinary, much more intense and not linked to any stereotype. Like its styling prevails in its erotic creatures and their essentiality. The subjects, above all, colored nymphs, which bring us back, inevitably to our adult world, but leaving, definitely room to our primal fantasies. To summarize, we take for example, the work that most makes us understand the teacher and his thoughts: His art is the open window on the world, and his personal universe extremely colorful.